Raising White Kids - a book discussion group for people working with or raising kids

Conversations about race are difficult, and they can be even more difficult (and fraught with responsibility!) when we are talking with kids. Therefore, the UUSS Religious Education Team and Adult Faith Development Team are excited to announce a book discussion group on Jennifer Harvey's book Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America. From the book jacket: "Raising White Kids is a book for families and communities committed to equity and justice who want to equip children to be active and able participants in our racially diverse yet tension-filled society."

In the book discussion gatherings there will be time to discuss the book as well as space to share personal struggles and concerns related to the book topics. Feel free to sign up even if you can't make both gatherings.

Book Club Gathering Dates/Times:
Thursday, October 8, 7 pm-8:30 pm
Thursday, November 12, 7 pm-8:30 pm

These gatherings will take place on Zoom. If you need help obtaining the book, please email Robin at DLRE@uuschenectady.org

Questions about the book discussion gatherings may be directed to Robin Ahearn, dlre@uuschenectady.org, or Erin Piotrowski, erinpiot@gmail.com.

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Conversations about race are difficult, and they can be even more difficult (and fraught with responsibility!) when we are talking with kids. Therefore, the UUSS Religious Education Team and Adult Faith Development Team are excited to announce a book discussion group on Jennifer Harvey's book Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America. From the book jacket: "Raising White Kids is a book for families and communities committed to equity and justice who want to equip children to be active and able participants in our racially diverse yet tension-filled society."

In the book discussion gatherings there will be time to discuss the book as well as space to share personal struggles and concerns related to the book topics. Feel free to sign up even if you can't make both gatherings.

Book Club Gathering Dates/Times:
Thursday, October 8, 7 pm-8:30 pm
Thursday, November 12, 7 pm-8:30 pm

These gatherings will take place on Zoom. If you need help obtaining the book, please email Robin at DLRE@uuschenectady.org

Questions about the book discussion gatherings may be directed to Robin Ahearn, dlre@uuschenectady.org, or Erin Piotrowski, erinpiot@gmail.com.

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