Pledge for FY 2025-2026

Thank you for participating in our Stewardship Campaign! Please fill in your total amount in the top box and indicate how you will divide that throughout the year.

By clicking the green Submit button at the bottom of this form, you are making a commitment to support our congregation during the coming fiscal year (FY 2025-2026). You will receive an email confirming the information you submitted, and your commitment will be forwarded to Church Administrator Lillian Johnson for her records.

NOTE: If you need to modify this pledge, please contact the Co-Ministers. If you are experiencing financial hardship and can not meet the pledge minimum as set by the Board of Trustees ($100 per member), please contact the Co-Ministers to request a pledge waiver for this year.
YES, I/We want to support the Unitarian Universalist Society of Schenectady. 

Recognizing that a pledge helps with planning for the upcoming fiscal year (FY), I/We pledge to make the following contribution to UUSS for the FY beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2026, on the schedule shown below. I/We understand that we may modify this pledge, if necessary, by notifying the Co-Ministers. 
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
How to Get More Information:

NOTE: Church Administrator Lillian Johnson can answer any of your pledge-related questions at 518-374-4446, ext. 4.

The Church Administrator also can tell you the amount you have pledged for the current year (FY 2024-2025), if needed. Or, if you are a member of UUSS, you can look up your current pledge yourself by going to Breeze, the UUSS online database. If you need help accessing Breeze, contact Congregational Life Coordinator Kristin Cleveland at clc at


Thank you for participating in our Stewardship Campaign! Please fill in your total amount in the top box and indicate how you will divide that throughout the year.

By clicking the green Submit button at the bottom of this form, you are making a commitment to support our congregation during the coming fiscal year (FY 2025-2026). You will receive an email confirming the information you submitted, and your commitment will be forwarded to Church Administrator Lillian Johnson for her records.

NOTE: If you need to modify this pledge, please contact the Co-Ministers. If you are experiencing financial hardship and can not meet the pledge minimum as set by the Board of Trustees ($100 per member), please contact the Co-Ministers to request a pledge waiver for this year.