World Religions (Fall 2016)

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“Wisdom from the world’s religions” is one of the Sources of the living tradition we cherish as Unitarian Universalists. The search for truth and meaning, and spiritual growth, are inherent in our Principles and Purposes.

Join with us in this six week course where we travel to exotic locations around the world and see how such religions as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Protestantism and Catholicism have shaped cultures, changed history and left their mark on humanity. Learn fascinating facts about the striking similarities and differences in these faith traditions.

Each week we will view a DVD narrated by Ben Kingsley which will describe the history and fundamental beliefs of each faith, and then have an opportunity to enter into dialogue with a knowledgeable representative of that faith. The course is facilitated by Ernie Hall, Donna Newsome, and Julie Rigano.

Six Thursday evenings – 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Nov. 3, 10, 17
Dec. 1, 8, 15
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